
Understanding the Importance of Primary Behaviour Support

Course Description

Learning how to impact and encourage positive behaviour is crucial for any primary behaviour support team. This training will help learners create in-depth plans on how to improve behaviour and welfare of the children they work with.

This course has been designed for those working with children and young people in an educational environment.

Being able to understand and identify strategies for promoting positive behaviour in school is a crucial aspect of primary behaviour support.

Our course covers the following points:

  • Mention of the relevant legislation and guidance
  • How to promote positive behaviour– including anti-bullying advice
  • The scale of behaviour issues
  • Description of what is challenging behaviour and what causes it
  • Strategies to promote positive behaviour
  • Definition of a Primary Behaviour Support Team and the people who can be included in it
  • What a Primary Behaviour Support Team does
  • Benefits of behaviour support interventions

The course includes challenges to consolidate a learners knowledge as they proceed through the course and ends with a summary to check that all points have been read and understood.

Legislation covered in this course includes

  • Education Act 2002
  • Equality Act 2010
  • Education and Inspection Act 2006
  • Behaviour and Discipline in Schools 2016

£25.00 + VAT

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