
Supporting Teenagers and Young People

Course Description

Our training covers a wide range of topics to help provide those who work with children or young adults the information they need to help and support young people who are vulnerable to abuse or neglect.

This course is designed to give information and guidance to those working with teenagers and young people who may be vulnerable to relationship abuse, substance misuse, and teenage pregnancy.

This course uses a multimedia approach to engage the learner including videos and scenarios to allow professionals to develop their knowledge and skills in the following areas:

  • Definition of teenage relationship abuse and the types of abuse: sexual, coercive control, financial, emotional, physical
  • Risk factors and protective factors
  • How to help young people in abusive relationships
  • Factors associated with bullying, including locations
  • Characteristics of perpetrator including types of adult bullies and children who bully – bullies, indicators, victims
  • Types of bullying, including homophobic bullying and that of young people with learning disabilities, and the bullying cycle
  • The relationship between bullying and suicide
  • Definitions of substance misuse and addiction
  • Young people and alcohol and drug treatment, referral routes into specialist treatment
  • The misuse of substances, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and cannabis
  • What to do if you have concerns regarding substance misuse
  • The risks, impact and prevention of teenage pregnancy
  • Supporting young people in reducing teenage pregnancy rates
  • Legislation relating to teenage relationship abuse, bullying, and substance misuse

This course uses immersive real-world scenarios to help professionals apply knowledge into everyday life. These real-world scenarios and the supporting cases studies will enable learners to see how their training can apply to them in their role. A key aim of this training is to provide learners with strong context to the training so they can easily relate to the situations presented to them within the training.

£25.00 + VAT

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