
Safeguarding in Healthcare

Course Description

This wide-ranging course includes safeguarding knowledge for anyone working in a healthcare environment working with both children and adults.

Throughout this training learners will cover a wide range of topics including, multi-agency working, best practice, consent and confidentiality, and recruitment, which will help learners apply their knowledge to all areas of their workplace.

Anyone working in healthcare needs to maintain a wide knowledge of safeguarding concepts and best practices, to ensure anyone they encounter during their work is protected from abuse or neglect.

The aim of this training course is to provide learners with practical and applicable knowledge to help them in their working lives. This includes such areas as, confidentiality and consent, a wide range of information and guidance to help professionals working with vulnerable children and adults. It includes the following topics in more detail:

  • The definition of both children and adults at risk
  • The definition of confidentiality and how to achieve it, maintain it, and protect an individual’s information
  • The safe practices included in safer recruitment, including pre-employment checks
  • Applicable legislation for consent and confidentiality such as GDPR 2016 and the Data Protection Act 2018
  • The definition of consent, when you need to ask for it, and how to establish mental capacity to give consent
  • Reporting your concerns – who to and how
  • Recording consent; when to share information without consent if necessary
  • Overview of safeguarding for children and adults
  • The importance of safeguarding
  • Multi-agency working
  • Types of abuse, recognising abuse, how to deal with suspected/disclosed abuse
  • Jargon and key terms
  • How to create and use risk and harm assessments
  • The course also contains challenges, case studies, and immersive real-world scenarios to help professionals apply their knowledge and skills in everyday working.


Legislation covered in this course includes:

  • Human Rights Act 1998
  • Access to Health Records Act 1990
  • Crime and Disorder Act 1998
  • GDPR 2016
  • Data Protection Act 2018
  • Mental Capacity Act 2005

£40.00 + VAT

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