
Safeguarding Children Level 1 Refresher Training

Course Description

Our Safeguarding Children Level 1 Refresher course is designed for anyone who has previously completed their Safeguarding Children Level 1 training, whether that is by face-to-face or digital means, and is looking to refresh and update their knowledge.

Anyone who works with children has safeguarding duties, though these will vary depending on your role. Our Level 1 course is aimed at those who have limited safeguarding responsibilities.

It explores what safeguarding is and covers key topics such as signs and symptoms of abuse, legislation, what to do if you suspect abuse and or if a child discloses instances of abuse.

Why take this course?
Safeguarding training gives you the knowledge you need to ensure you safeguarding and protect children from abuse and harm.

It is a statutory requirement that anyone who works with children have up to date knowledge and insights into safeguarding. In order to meet these requirements, you must ensure you complete training and regularly refresh it, which is why refresher courses are so important.

Though the company usually decides on how often safeguarding training needs to be refreshed, many choose every two years, though this will depend on the role and required responsibilities.

Course Overview
This online training course gives learners a deeper, more engaging learning experience with immersive real-world scenarios to help professionals apply knowledge into everyday life.

We use bite-sized modules to provide a flexible structure, allowing you to dip in and out of topics as you wish, and study at your own pace.

This training course covers a wide range of topics including:

  • An overview of safeguarding
  • Why is safeguarding important
  • Serious case reviews and Bichard reports
  • The latest legislation and guidance
  • Multi-agency working
  • Jargon and key terms
  • Disclosure of information from children
  • National and local contexts
  • Reducing the likelihood of abuse
  • What to do if you suspect abuse
  • Signs and symptoms of abuse
  • Whistleblowing
  • Types of abuse
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Recognising abuse
  • How to deal with suspected/disclosed abuse
  • Record-keeping and recording

Who should take this course?
This course should be taken by anyone who has previously completed their Safeguarding Level 1 training and needs to refresh their knowledge. This may include roles such as receptionists, administrators, caterers, transport staff, maintenance staff and volunteers.

£40.00 + VAT

Volume discounts available

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Whether you are booking for yourself or for your team we can help. What’s more we can offer a discount on volume orders.

Click the button below or call us to speak to one of our team members to discuss.

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Our team of experienced professionals have worked across multiple sectors and have significant experience of supporting our clients with all their training needs

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Managing Director

Helen Murphy

Operations Director

Amanjhot Dothar

Senior HR Administrator

Caroline Mann

PA and Senior Administrator