
Mental Health & Wellbeing

Nearly two-thirds of people say that they have experienced mental ill-health and evidence suggests that poor mental health is responsible for almost 13% of all sickness absence days in the UK.

Over 30 years experience

Promoting good mental health

Mental Health is a serious subject. Nearly two-thirds of people say that they have experienced mental ill-health and evidence suggests that poor mental health is responsible for almost 13% of all sickness absence days in the UK.

One of the biggest challenges with poor mental health is removing the stigma that surrounds it. Many don’t hesitate to seek help for physical pain or problem, yet so many of us ignore emotional and mental health issues – or we feel too embarrassed, confused or scared to talk about them. Our Mental Health Awareness Training discusses mental health the way you would a headache or the flu, and it encourages you to take care of yourself as you would a loved one.

Our programmes raise awareness, we train your employees on how to approach mental health and remove stigma; we also provides simple tools, tips and ideas for day-to-day wellbeing-management (for yourself and others).

Happy employees equal healthier, more productive employees. Put simply, good mental health is a win-win for every employee and their organisation.

We're here to help

If you would like to discuss your training needs and explore options, please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you and discuss how we can help. 

Programmes and Workshops

Our Mental Health & Wellbeing Courses are suitable for all workplaces and help you to understand how to identify and deal with mental ill-health and stress in the workplace.

We can deliver all of our Mental Health & Well-Being programmes in face to face environments, through our e-learning platform or through blended learning programmes.  We have a suite of programmes which will be suitable for your employees or we can design bespoke programmes to suit your organisation. 

Our programmes and workshops include:

  • Mental Health First Aid (MHFA England) 2 Day Workshop – Adults
  • Mental Heath First Aid (MHFA England) 2 Day Workshop – Youth
  • Mental Health Awareness Training
  • Mental Health Awareness Training for Managers
  • Stress Awareness
  • Achieving work life balance in your organisation
  • Mindfulness
  • Managing employees well-being
  • Managing remote workers effectively
  • Helping colleagues to GROW using the Coaching model
  • Holding effective Return to Work interviews for staff returning from long term absences
  • Holding Well-Being meetings for your team members

For more information on each of these workshops or if you would like to discuss a bespoke programme then please get in touch on 0330 0881857.  We can deliver these programmes through a variety of blended learning solutions.

What our clients say

Meet our Learning & Development experts

Our team of experienced professionals have worked across multiple sectors and have significant experience of supporting our clients with all their training needs

Melanie Stead

Managing Director

Helen Murphy

Operations Director

Amanjhot Dothar

Senior HR Administrator

Caroline Mann

PA and Senior Administrator