
Why Is It Important To Manage Our Time?

Have you ever heard the saying “control your day before it controls you”? Well, there is a good reason for this. When you learn how you can choose to spend your time more wisely you have more chance of success. Events will occur throughout the day and it is how you chose to respond to these events that matters the most.

We offer a 3 Hour workshop that looks at the importance of Time Management. We teach the importance of using Time Management tools and share tried and tested methods to work smarter not harder!

For those unable to book or attend our sessions I thought I would share some tips and information here.

  1. Create a schedule and stick to it.

If you have lots of tasks with equal priority it can sometimes feel overwhelming. By making a to-do list you can easily refer to, it helps you to stay focused and can provide added momentum when you tick something off the list and feel a sense of achievement.

If you currently use a “to do list” why not take it to the next level and start adding timings to each task. You can do this simply by adding them to an outlook calendar and there are also lots of printable sheets to assist that can be found online. By adding timings to a to-do list it can help provide clear focus and help you stick to the task in hand. This really helps me as without a timed to do list I often jump from one task to another struggling to complete any!

  1. Dealing with distractions.

When working in a busy environment there can often be lots of distractions. If you are working to a timed schedule it can be easier to avoid distractions. For example, if other employees try to distract you to chat, you can advise them you are in the middle of a time critical task right now but can speak to them during your break. You will find they are accepting of this response and you can continue with your to-do list. Most of the time they may just want to chat about the weekend or the latest TV show so don’t feel bad about this, there’s always time to fit in social interactions.

Social Media sites use the same techniques as gambling firms to create psychological dependencies and ingrain their products in the lives of their users. This can be like an addiction and users may find it difficult not to get lost in Facebook every time they pick up their phone. You may find your mind wander so you pick up your phone and browse online. If this is the case for you, schedule in time for Social media and keep to these time slots only.

The only time I would advise you to break this is when you receive an email with the subject line “Treats in the kitchen”, when you receive that email you need to act fast as you know they won’t still be there in an hour’s time!

  1. Learn to say No

We can all be guilty of agreeing to things we don’t actually want to do. It could be as simple as unjamming the photocopier because you sit near it and nobody else seems to be able to manage it. If when asked to fix the copier next time, you said you were unable to as you were in the middle of something important, I’m sure your colleagues would be able to deal with it themselves if they had to. This not only leaves you to focus on the task in hand but you may also find, over time they stop asking you! Can you imagine never having to stick your hand in again with the fear of being burnt on the rollers!

  1. Don’t Decide, DO

Procrastination is the biggest killer of dreams! We can all waste time deliberating, but if we start straightaway we usually find the task is easier to take on and we reach the end goal quicker. Don’t allow your brain time to pick holes in your plans or find reasons not to go ahead. Just get stuck in and reap the rewards at the end.

  1. Decision fatigue

Researchers believe the human brain has a limited mental resource each day. Once it is used up we experience decision fatigue. Decision fatigue can have a mentally and physically draining impact rather like the lack of sleep. Decision fatigue can leave people struggling to make decisions and some may suffer with brain fog. Even a series of small decisions can cause a drop in quality decision making.

This seems quite surprising when as a society we are always demanding more choice. We want more TV shows, more clothing lines in stores, more variety in the supermarket, more choices on the menu when eating out, and so on. Have you ever been to a restaurant with a very limited menu? You have around 4 choices of main course and it seems really easy to choose. In contrast when arriving at a restaurant with pages of endless choices the decisions can be quite overwhelming and take a lot longer.

These days just ordering a coffee can be a daunting task with so many different blends before you even get started on the milk!

So how can we try and combat decision fatigue?

Focus on what really matters

Make sure the urgent and important items are prioritised and ticked off the list first. Schedule any important meetings or tasks that require decisions for mornings when you are most alert.

Start by defining daily decisions and see which ones you can streamline. One of the first decisions we make on a daily basis is what outfit to wear. Mark Zuckerberg along with Steve Jobs and Barack Obama decided to take this decision away. They all own a series of the same suit, jeans and T-shirts so each morning they can retrieve any from their wardrobe without having to make a choice.

I really want to clear my life to make it so that I have to make as few decisions as possible about anything except how to best serve this community” — Mark Zuckerberg

If you don’t want to wear the same outfit every day you could select this the night before and leave it out ready for the morning. That way you can wake and dress with one less decision, reserving that brain power for more important items. There are also other decisions we can make in advance.

Most people’s second decision is what to have or where to go for breakfast. Meal prepping is a good way to take away meal decisions, you could save yourself 3 decisions every day by doing this. When I have a demanding work schedule in the week ahead, I always spend my Sundays preparing. I make batches of food I can just pick up and eat or quickly reheat. I organise my outfits for every day and line them up in order, I even prepare any items I need to take with me. When I do this my week always goes smoothly and seems like there is less pressure. When I don’t prepare, I can sometimes feel unable to juggle everything and this can lead to me skipping meals which can have a big impact on my mood and energy levels. Eating a balanced diet with regular meal times and sufficient water, plays a big role in how much focus and energy we have so skipped meals can be very detrimental.

Once you get into a routine of doing these things continually, they become a habit.

“…Allow the extraordinary power of habit to take over. At that point, we’re free from the need to decide and the need to use willpower.” – Gretchen Rubin

My advice would be to start small, make little changes and notice the benefits. Look at it as managing your choices, rather than managing your time.

If you would like to look into this topic further and find out more of our tips why not book one of our Time Management Sessions. We currently deliver these in our Training Rooms in Halifax and can be booked to deliver in house workshops.

Blue Monday is B*ll*cks

It seems to be a new way of the media making everything gloomy!

Yes, January can be difficult for a lot of people for many different reasons, but I don’t think we can hold a calendar date as being responsible for our moods!


Why does this term frustrate me?

Terms like Blue Monday can be quite damaging for people suffering from depression. We seem to be playing down and ‘normalising’ Mental Health problems which may affect people seeking help. If you are feeling depressed, you may feel you need to seek professional help and support but if you are told “It’s blue Monday everyone is feeling it” you may feel like you have to battle on alone!

Although normalising a condition can help people see these are normal feelings and emotions they are experiencing, we need to make sure they also understand what help is available and how they can access this. The most important message to me should be that, although it is normal to feel this way, we shouldn’t remain in this place and suffer, we should always seek help at the early stages. We also need to understand that everyone is affected differently so although our friends, families and colleagues may be able to cope it doesn’t mean we should!

For those lucky enough to not have experienced Mental Health problems they may not understand the full force of depression and how it can affect individuals. I’ve heard comments such as, “he’s not depressed he’s just feeling down because it’s January and everyone feels down in January, I saw it on the news!” “You just need some winter sun and you’ll be fine, why not book a holiday”. You may think comments such as this are just helpful and tips and advice, but it could be the comment that causes someone suffering depression to ‘shut off’ and feel they cannot be open about how they are feeling.

It’s Tuesday as I sit and type this, the day after Blue Monday! Hallelujah, we made it through, everything must be up from here, right? It’s actually very wrong! When you are suffering from depression, every day of the week can be blue, all year round. Depression doesn’t take a break because the sun is shining, or we have a holiday to look forward to. Depression is an illness that can take hold at any time and  I think it’s important we remember that.

What can you do?

At Optimal PBS we are Mental health advocates and want to help promote awareness and end the stigma. We offer in house awareness workshops and employee training tailored to your business requirements. We can help equip your Line Managers with the knowledge and confidence to support their teams and in return the business. Contact us today to see how we can work together 01422 471 271 or email enquiries@optimal-hr.co.uk

What Are You Doing About Presenteeism?

When there is a high rate of absence from work, we take action. Colleagues who have poor attendance will be managed more closely. Most HR functions use the Bradford Factor Score which is a strict guideline to help make policy clear.  You hear of cases where people are performance managed out of a business due to absenteeism. What I think is overlooked, is presenteeism.

Presenteeism – Wikipedia

Presenteeism or working while sick can cause productivity loss, poor health, exhaustion and workplace epidemics. While the contrasting subject of absenteeism has historically received extensive attention in the management sciences, presenteeism has only recently been studied.


You know the times you’ve had a really bad cold and still gone into work because you were scared of how your boss would react. You sit sipping on endless lemsips, sniffling at your desk doing very little and not only are you ill but also bitter at the fact you are in work suffering when you should be in bed. You get more run down by battling on and end up with full on flu and exhausted in bed all weekend. You go in Monday to find half the team sneezing after you spread your germs last week! You can see why this is not good for the business. They now have multiple employees at work but not being very productive.

Not only do we work whilst physically ill there are often employees who will be suffering from emotional and or mental health problems. You’ve seen the employee who comes into the office after suffering from bereavement and they often break down as it is just too much too soon. You might not notice colleagues suffering from anxiety, depression or other mental health related illnesses, these colleagues often hide it as they do not feel able to share. What you may notice is them making mistakes, being forgetful or taking longer to complete tasks, seeming distant. They may become less sociable and interact less with colleagues.

We sometimes don’t allow ourselves the time we need to fully recover. You’ve heard the saying “time is a healer” so why don’t we listen?

I think sometimes we think it will be good for us. The good old British saying ‘Keep Calm And Carry On’ and that’s what we do. I admit I used to be the one slaving away and prolonging the suffering, but I have learnt now. Upon the first signs of becoming ill if I have a relaxing day, with lots of water fruit and veg I’m back feeling great and don’t really suffer. But when I battle on, it does start to feel like a battle!

If you are a manager ask yourself, would you rather an employee turn up for work all week but be very unproductive, risk affecting and even infecting other colleagues and making mistakes that cost the business time and money to correct? Or would you rather employees take one day to get themselves fit and well and then they’re back to work refreshed and super productive? I know one day may not always be enough, but you get the idea.

A practical exercise for managers if you want to review presenteeism in your teams: observe behaviours,

  • Is anyone acting out of character?
  • Has a team members output dropped?
  • Is someone making more mistakes than usual?
  • Who is reserved and not engaging with colleagues?

The answer is often not what is said, but what you see happening.

If you are wondering how you can approach it then here are 3 Top Tips

  1. Be aware of the causes. High workloads and demands can lead to colleagues avoiding taking time off. There isn’t always ‘buddy systems’ or cover provided for all employees. This can make them afraid of the repercussions if they were absent as there is nobody to cover their tasks. CIPD’s findings show that presenteeism is more common in companies where long working hours are seen as the norm, and where operational demands take precedence over employee well-being. Other causes identified were money troubles, work-related stress and perceived pressure from managers were all contributing factors
  2. Recognise the symptoms. If you spot signs of poor Mental Health early enough you can help prevent ongoing problems. Is the individual suddenly acting out of character, are they becoming distant, has their appearance changed? Most managers are not equipped to identify and deal with some issues. As awareness rises people are now starting to look at available training in this area to help manage their teams.
  3. Take action. Firstly take action to limit causes where possible for example, encourage colleagues to take lunch breaks, and prevent from working too many hours. Maybe it’s time to review your internal policies? Do you have guidance on how to adequately deal with both absenteeism and presenteeism? If not I would recommend you update these as soon as possible. Then take action to help support any colleagues displaying symptoms.

At Optimal PBS we are happy to discuss this and other queries regarding people management and development. If you would like to discuss this further or have any questions, then please do get in touch with us at enquiries@optimal-hr.co.uk. I think it’s a topic we should be discussing a lot more. I have added some useful guides below that may be of further interest.

We also deliver Mental Health Awareness Workshops both in-house and in various locations. This workshop is excellent for Team Leaders or Managers, Supervisors, Office Managers and other staff and will help spot the early signs of Mental Health in an employee. For more details on the workshop, drop us an email at the above email address or call us on 01422 471271.

Why Is Onboarding So Important

What is it?

When we talk about onboarding, we mean the process of integrating a new employee into the business.

For some businesses, the main aim when recruiting a new employee is to see a return on investment as quickly as possible. With this in mind, some employers may cover basic Health and Safety items and then leave the new employee at their desk, to commence work. Although this may seem like a quick win, it’s not.

During an employee’s first day the focus should be on settling them in and making them feel comfortable and welcome. There are always some first-day nerves and if not put at ease these can lead to doubts… Have I made the right decision? Should I have accepted the other offer? Was I better off in my old position? I think we’ve all heard a story of someone who went for lunch on their first day and never returned!

Why is it so important?

As we enter 2019, we are seeing an employment market where employees have more control than ever before. Roles are more readily available and employees expect more than ever before. Statistics show that 20% of turnover happens in the first 45days of employment.  Which shows employers need to get this right at the start before the employee makes the decision to leave.

*On average it can cost around £11,000 to replace an employee earning the UK average of £27,721 and you don’t want that money to have gone to waste.

*Source: https://businessadvice.co.uk/hr/recruitment/revealed-the-secret-costs-of-replacing-your-staff/

What should the Aims and Objectives be?

The main aim is for the employee to leave after their first day happy that they made the right decision and eager to return the following day.

The objectives will differ slightly depending on the role and level the employee is starting within the business. However, the core objectives will remain the same.

At Optimal PBS we offer a free consultation to discuss your induction procedure and assess if you could benefit from enhancement. Don’t worry if you don’t currently have a process, we can work with you to design the best options for your business.

We know one size doesn’t fit all and that’s why we work with our clients to ensure the work we provide is bespoke to your requirements.

What You Need To Know About The Apprenticeship Levy Before Apr 2019

Launched in April 2017 the apprenticeship levy was introduced by the government with the aim to raise £3bn a year to fund better training.

All businesses with a paybill over 3million each year now automatically pay into the Levy through the PAYE process. The deductions are 0.5% of payroll and the government tops this up with a further 10%. That means for every £1 you pay, you have £1.10 to spend.

Although deducted like a tax these funds remain in your Levy Account which you can manage online and then spend. Although titled “apprenticeship” the funds can also be used for existing colleague upskilling through tailor-made higher apprenticeships. These Advanced apprenticeships now go as high as Level 7 which is the equivalent of a Masters Degree and cover topics such as strategic management.

Since the launch

In 2015, the government set a target to have 3 million new apprentices by 2020 and the introduction of the Levy was expected to assist with that goal. It appears upon initial reports that it may have had the opposite effect. There were 375,800 apprenticeship starts reported for the 2017/18 academic year, compared with 494,900 in 2016/17 and 509,400 in 2015/16, a decrease of 24.1 and 26.2 per cent respectively. One of the main reasons for the decline seems to be that employers are overwhelmed and sometimes confused by the new Levy process.

Benefits of utilising the Levy

Apprentices can be a great way to create new career pathways to ensure career progression within teams and staff retention.

The benefits of offering advanced apprenticeships to employees can be very beneficial to every business. If you have long-serving employees who have reached the highest level of pay for their role it can be difficult to think of new ways to incentivise them. If we use Hertzberg’s Theory, you will see we tend to look after the Hygiene Factors first and foremost and can often overlook the real motivators.

Employees who have access to training and development are shown to feel more valued and therefore more committed to the business. Current recruitment trends show that individuals are taking more control over their careers and if they see no progression internally, they will seek what is available elsewhere. A great way to stop this within your teams is to ensure there are clear career pathways and routes for progression within the business.


Businesses with a payroll of less than 3m will not pay into a Levy however they can still gain access if they wish to hire an apprentice and or enrol existing employees on an advanced apprenticeship programme. The government will fund 90% and therefore you will only need to pay 10% of the cost of the training. This is a very significant saving, and so far there is no indication of how long this offer will remain available. As an example, you could qualify a new manager and provide them with additional knowledge and guidance for a reduced cost of £500 rather than the usual £5,000. The payments are broken down over the full duration of the apprenticeship programme and can be as little as £20 per month.

For small businesses with under 50 employees, the government will fully fund all apprenticeship training for any 16-18 year-olds joining the business. That means you will pay nothing towards the cost of the training and qualification.

Employers who recruit 16-18 year-olds will also receive an added bonus payment of £1,000 per qualifying apprentice within the business.


All funds in the Levy account will expire within 24 months. That means everyone who started paying into the Levy at the beginning of April 2017 will only have until April this year to spend it before it expires.

What are your thoughts?

Have your say in the comments below …

Cognitive Distortions! What are they and do you have any?

I have recently been studying CBT which is short for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. CBT is used to treat Mental Health Conditions such as Anxiety and is proven to be as effective as Medication. Although I have been interested in CBT for a long time now I have never looked at Cognitive Distortions in depth until this year.

So what are Cognitive Distortions?

Cognitive Distortions are the mechanisms by which people with habitual negative thinking styles, depression and other Mental Health problems perpetuate their own problems. Most people will not even realise they are using these distortions! Even the most well-balanced individuals occasionally engage in these thinking styles from time to time.

I thought it would be useful to share some of the most common examples so that you can assess if you are unknowingly using any. I have added 5 that are quite common below;


  1. Always Being Right

Now I think we all know someone who uses this even if we don’t ourselves. People using this cognitive distortion believe that to make a mistake and admit you are wrong is to fail as a person. They must always be right! They will always try and convince others that their point of view is correct and will place being ‘right’ over being happy!

There are a few downfalls with this, not only will it damage your relationships with others, but it will also prevent you from learning and developing. If we always think we are right and know the answer we never open ourselves to new possibilities that enable us to learn and grow as a person.

  1. Heaven’s Reward Fallacy

This is the idea that if we make sacrifice’s now, we will be rewarded in the future. For example, that one colleague that arrives early and empties the dishwasher every morning. Hey, they even clean the kitchen after everyone has made a mess at lunch. They haven’t been asked to do it, they just assume they should and if they do, it will be beneficial because it will be noticed, and they will receive recognition or reward for this!

You might think it’s a good thing if that one person cleans up every day but it’s actually not with these beliefs attached, they may instead begin to feel wronged and bitter! My advice would be only do things because you want to do them (not for a reward). You will find more often than not the desired or expected reward/recognition never materialises and this can lead to upset and resentment.

  1. Fallacy of Fairness

This one really hit me when I read this as this is my biggest cognitive distortion and I hadn’t even realised it! I always believe everything in the world should be fair and everyone has the same agreement of what fair is! It seems very naïve now I write this but I was very stuck in this view and it has caused me a lot of upset over the years! If only I had known then, what I know now!

In reality, we all have different views on what is right and fair. It all depends on our upbringing, past experiences, personal beliefs and values.  Just because we feel something is unfair doesn’t mean that everyone else around us thinks this way too. We instead just need to focus on our values and what is right for us.

  1. Polarised Thinking

Also knows as ‘Black and White Thinking’ or ‘All or Nothing’ the inability to see the shades of grey in a situation. Someone engaged in polarised thinking will see things as one of two ways, good or bad. For example, they will see people as nasty or nice and will refuse to see them as a unique mix of personal qualities (i.e. a normal flawed human being).

It can be easy to demonise people based on one mistake or personality trait, but this only causes upset within ourselves. We should instead try to accept people as they are and choose to find the positives to focus on.

  1. Catastrophising

You may have experienced this in extreme situations. For example, when boarding a flight some people tend to think about the worst-case scenarios and focus on things that can go wrong! This leaves the person in a constant state of anticipation thinking disaster is about to strike!

It is more beneficial for us to focus on the positives rather than negatives. If disaster is going to happen, it will happen no matter how much we worry about it beforehand.


So what can you do if you do have any Cognitive Distortions?

Firstly, just being aware that these are quite common and affect more of us than we think can be a help in itself. It’s very easy to believe our thoughts to be reality all the time but by having the awareness that sometimes our minds can wander into negative territory can help us to gain more control over our thoughts and in-return feelings. We don’t have to believe everything we think.

Challenging Cognitive Distortions is often carried out with the help of a CBT Practitioner or therapist, however, we can try to help ourselves. The best way to tackle them is by questioning. Yes, questioning ourselves! Next time you become aware you are dealing with a cognitive distortion try to ask yourself these questions:

What kind of cognitive distortion are you using now?

Do you have any evidence to support this thought?

Do you have any evidence that goes against this thought?

What would you say to a friend in this situation?

Can you think of another way of looking at this situation?

Do you think this will matter in 6 months’ time?

If you could replace this thought with something more realistic what would it be?


Cognitive Distortions if left unchecked can go on to cause conflict in the workplace. If you would like to discuss this in more detail contact Optimal PBS at enquiries@optimal-hr.co.uk or call 01422 471271.

Not all suicidal people want to die

Trigger Warning: In this blog we talk about suicide which could be upsetting for some people. if you have recently been affected by suicide now might not be the best time to read this post. If you require immediate support we would recommend you contact the Samaritans, you can call anytime for Free: 116123 or email: jo@samaritans.org

Does that statement shock or confuse you?
Seems odd doesn’t it that someone would end their life if they didn’t actually want to die, but sadly this can be the case. So I will say it again.

Not all suicidal people want to die; they simply don’t want to live with the pain they experience any longer.

Most suicidal people are at a crisis point and are not sure what else to do. They may feel that suicide will be an end to their pain. That doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t want to live anymore, it just means they feel they cannot carry on as they are.

I’m writing this blog because every time I see a suicide attempt or person in crisis in a public place such as a train station reported in the media it is often followed by very negative and quite damaging comments. Here are some examples that horrified me this week!

“I hate selfish people who do this and inconvenience others”
“I’m sick of these cries for help, just get it over with already”

Can you imagine reading or hearing that when you are most at need?

Can you imagine if that was your friend or family member and a complete stranger said similar comments? How would you feel?

It was clear to me from reading these comments that the persons writing them did not understand suicide. So I’m going to try and dispel some myths around suicide and hopefully help change mindsets so that we can try help people when they need us the most.

Myth 1: Once someone is seriously considering suicide, there is nothing you can do.
Most suicidal crises are time-limited based on unclear thinking. People attempting suicide want to escape their problems. Instead they need to confront their problems directly in order to find other solutions. Solutions which can be found with the help of concerned individuals who support them through the crisis period, until they are able to think more clearly.

Myth 2: If you ask a person about their suicidal intentions, you will encourage the person to kill themselves. 
The opposite is true. Asking someone directly about their suicidal feelings will often lower their anxiety level and act as a deterrent. The crisis and resulting emotional distress will already have triggered the thought in a vulnerable person. Your openness and concern in asking about suicide will allow the person experiencing pain to talk about the problems which can reduce their anxiety. This may also allow the person with suicidal thoughts to feel less lonely or isolated, and perhaps a bit relieved.

Myth 3: People who talk about suicide don’t complete suicide.
Eight out of Ten people who take their own lives give warning signs of their suicidal intentions. People who make suicidal threats and attempts must be taken seriously.

Myth 4: A person who attempts suicide will always be ‘suicidal’
Most people who are at risk feel suicidal for only a brief period in their lives. With proper assistance and support they will probably never be suicidal again.

Myth 5: Suicidal people are fully intent on dying. 
Most suicidal people are often undecided, often right up until the last minute, about living or dying, and they may ‘gamble with death’, leaving it up to others to save them. Few people take their own life without first letting others know how they are feeling. This cry for help is often given in code. If recognised, these distress signals can be used to save lives. Some warning signs might be:

• Talking about wanting to die
• Looking for a way to kill oneself
• Talking about feeling hopeless or having no purpose
• Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain
• Talking about being a burden to others
• Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs
• Acting anxious and/or agitated
• Engaging in reckless behaviour
• Sleeping too little or too much
• Withdrawing or feeling isolated
• Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge
• Displaying extreme mood swings

Myth 6: Improvement following a suicidal crisis means the risk of suicide is over. 
Most suicides occur within three months after the onset period of ‘improvement’, when people have the energy to turn suicidal thoughts and feelings into action. Relatives and physicians should be especially vigilant during this period of time.

Myth 7: Suicide occurs more frequently among certain classes of people.
Suicide is neither a rich man’s disease nor a poor man’s curse. Showing no class prejudice, suicide is represented proportionately in all strata of society.

Myth 8: If a person really wants to kill themselves, no one has the right to stop them. 
Just because suicide implies voluntary action that does not mean that the person really wants to die. More often than not, a suicidal person simply wants to escape from pain and even though they may not realise this, death is not the only answer. Chances are the person does not have to die for the pain to stop.

These myths may influence how we see and treat a person experiencing suicidal thoughts, but also whether we see ourselves as capable of making a difference. Suicide is preventable and openly talking about suicidal thoughts and feelings can save a live.

I hope this has helped to change some beliefs and attitudes towards suicide.

Although a serious topic suicide is not something we should shy away from. We should not underestimate our abilities to help a suicidal person, and possibly save a live. If you ever find yourself in this situation try remain calm and no matter how shocking the situation may seem listen and communicate non judgmentally at all times and refrain from making assumptions. Seek further assistance if you do not feel able to support the person on your own.

If we encounter suicidal thoughts ourselves there are coping skills, we can use to help us overcome this.

Get out for a while:

  • Go for a walk, jog or bike ride
  • Go to the movies
  • Visit somewhere new, like a cafe, library, museum or park

Be creative:

  • Draw something simple
  • Make a nice meal
  • Write a short story

Soothe your senses:

  • Meditate or do yoga
  • Take a hot shower
  • Listen to your favourite songs


  • Look at the clouds
  • Read a book, magazine or blog post
  • Take a nap

For further information about this topic I have added some useful resources below.

If you have been directly affected, I would recommend you seek support as soon as you can.

Support for self:
Samaritans: www.samaritans.org Call anytime for Free: 116123 email jo@samaritans.org

Supporting others:
Mind: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/helping-someone-else/

Support after suicide:
Papyrus UK: https://papyrus-uk.org/suicide-bereavement-support/ 